In the frame of the committee’s tours to choose the best faculty around the university ‘faculties, the committee visits the faculty of commerce to supervise its performance and its preparation of new academic year.
The supervision committee of the faculties’ performance visits the faculty of physical education in Benha University
In the frame of the committee’s tours to choose the best faculty around the university ‘faculties, the committee visits the faculty of physical education to supervise its performance and its preparation of new academic year.
Master Thesis Discussion of Mona Mohamed Osama Shihab
Master Thesis of the researcher Mona Mohamed Osama Shihab will be discussed on Saturday, 23\5\2015 at the Conferences hall. The Supervision committee includes the following; Prof.Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Mossa, Ass.Prof.Hesham Fouad Ali, Prof.Dr. Wafaa Abd Allah Bayoumy. The Discussion committee includes; Prof.Dr. Essam Arrafa Gomma, Prof.Dr. Abd El Aziz Abbas Diab and Prof.Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Mossa.
Master Thesis Discussion of the Researcher \ Marwa El Sayed Abu El Elaa
Master Thesis of the Researcher\ Marwa El Sayed Abu El Elaa will be discussed on Thursday, 16\4\2015 at 02:00pm. The Supervision committee includes the following; Prof.Dr. Ali Yousry El Eter, Prof.Dr. Helmy El Sayed Mijahed and Dr. Asmaa Abu El Soaoud. The Discussion committee includes the following; Prof.Dr. Saeed Abd El Rahman Saleh, Prof.Dr. Helmy El Sayed Mijahed and Prof.Dr. Ali Yousry El Eter.