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Displaying items by tag: University

Benha University is awarded the ISO certificate for 2015 by the Swiss company SGS as the first Egyptian University that gets it according to what has been said by prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president.

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Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin inaugurated, in their last days in office, and prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the acting university president starting form 1-9-2018 some university- amended buildings 

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Prof.Dr. Mustafa EL-Sayed, the head of the MIS Center in Benha University discusses the services provided to the University’s students including making one ID for the students’ form being accepted in the University till the graduation. This statement concurs with the forum entitled “towards an Electric University” that Benha University has held in the presence of many ministers and officials, the faculties’ members and the students.  

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Prof.Dr. ghazi Assasa, the university president’s chancellor of IT and prof.Dr. Shady EL-Mashad, the head of IT Portal thanks prof.Dr. Hala Zayed, the dean of the faculty of computer and informatics, prof.Dr. Mazen selim, the faculty’s deputy of educational and students affairs and prof.Dr. Tarek EL-Shistawy, the faculty’s deputy of post-graduate studies for their massive support to the university’s employees and the stduents.

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Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-kady, the university president stresses that a regular report should be sent to him by the dean of the faculty of medicine and the manager of the university’s hospitals about the hospitals’ performance and the number of surgeries that are conducted on a weekly basis.

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Tuesday, 18 July 2017 10:27

Benha University holds its annual Iftar

In a familial atmosphere, Benha university’s sons are gathered with the representatives of the institutes and the different organizations in the state in the conference hall as the university holds its iftar in the presence of the university’s leaders, the faculties’ deans , the faculties members and the different public figures.

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The leaders’ council of Benha University discusses, in its meeting under the presidency of Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-kady, the university president, the plan suggested by the university president to benefit from the students in summer vacation in the reformation works in the university’s faculties.

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Sunday, 02 July 2017 10:06

Six job opportunities in Benha University

The general department of organization and administration announces that there are six job opportunities as follows; general secretary of the university’s community service and environment development and this is job that has been announced for the first time in the university in addition to the following jobs:

1-    General secretary of the university’s financial affairs

2-    General manager of the university’s hostels

3-    General secretaries of the faculty of commerce and the faculty of arts

4-    General manager of the libraries

5-     The head of the administrative affairs 

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Tuesday, 25 July 2017 10:06

Benha University is in higher education fair

Benha University’s section that was inaugurated by prof.Dr. Khalid Abd EL-Gafer, the minister of higher education, achieves great success. There are many visitors who pays a visit to the fair that 50 universities take part in. the visitors are very keen on let their sons get enrolled in the faculties of Benha University

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The results of the Spanish ranking (Webmetrics) have been revealed in July, 2017 as follows:

1-    Benha university ranks the sixth place among the Egyptian governmental universities and ranks the seventh place among the Egyptian private universities

2-    Benha university is in the twenty-one place among the Arab Universities

3-    Benha university is in the twenty-two place among the African universities

Benha University in the 1854 place on the international apparatus

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