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Displaying items by tag: inauguration

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president inaugurates, in the presence of the Chinese universities presidents who participate in the Sino-Egyptian conference, the university products exhibition in which five faculties participate and they are as follows: the faculty of engineering, the faculty of agriculture, the faculty of veterinary medicine, the faculty of science, the faculty of specific education and the projects development unit. This exhibition will last for weeks after the conference.

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Prof.Dr. Ali Shams el-Din, the university president, the new building of the faculty on Monday, 18-7-2016. The university president was received by Prof. Dr. Hala Zaid, the faculty dean and Prof. Dr. Tarek Ahmed el –Shistawy, the faculty deputy of post-graduate studies and researches and prof. Dr. Mazen Muhammad Selim, the faculty deputy of educational and students affairs. Prof. Dr. Gamal ismail Khalil, the vice president of community and environment services, prof. Dr. Soliman Muhammad Mustafa, the vice president of educational and student affairs, prof. Dr. Hesham Muhammad Abu el- Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Salah, the former Dean of the faculty attended the event. 

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