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Displaying items by tag: strategic plan

prof.Dr .Hussien Magraby, the university president meets with the members of the committee which supervise the university's activity regarding it's the strategic plan in the presence of prof.Dr. Fatma Abd EL-Wahab, prof.Dr. Muhammad Abd EL-fattah and Mr. Samir EL-qrash.

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The strategic planning unit has agreed upon determining next July as the time to assess the strategic plan of Benha University and its faculties and the assessment process will last for four days. This statement concurs with the meeting of the strategic planning units in the university’s faculties under the presidency of prof.Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning unit in Benha University.

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The strategic planning unit has agreed upon determining next July as the time to assess the strategic plan of Benha University and its faculties and the assessment process will last for four days. This statement concurs with the meeting of the strategic planning units in the university’s faculties under the presidency of prof.Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning unit in Benha University.

Published in Latest News

The strategic planning unit has agreed upon determining next July as the time to assess the strategic plan of Benha University and its faculties and the assessment process will last for four days. This statement concurs with the meeting of the strategic planning units in the university’s faculties under the presidency of prof.Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning unit in Benha University.

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The strategic planning unit has agreed upon determining next July as the time to assess the strategic plan of Benha University and its faculties and the assessment process will last for four days. This statement concurs with the meeting of the strategic planning units in the university’s faculties under the presidency of prof.Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning unit in Benha University.

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The university’s council, under the presidency of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president discusses the report of carrying out the strategic plan that has been submitted by prof.Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning unit in the University in which he discusses the final status of the strategic planning from May 2017 to December 2017.

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The strategic planning unit announces that the strategic plan has been carried out at the following faculties: the faculty of medicine, the faculty of law and the faculty of science after the committees revise the plans that the three faculties present and these plans are a good match to the strategic plan of the university 2017/2022.

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Benha University’s council approves, under the presidency of Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-kady, the university president, on the report that prof.Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning unit presents in which it includes the accomplishments of the university that have been achieved in the last period. It has been agreed upon that the strategic plan of the university will be carried out next December and the plans of the university will also be carried out with the advent of 2018.

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Benha University’s council approves, under the presidency of Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-kady, the university president, on the report that prof.Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning unit presents in which it includes the accomplishments of the university that have been achieved in the last period. It has been agreed upon that the strategic plan of the university will be carried out next December and the plans of the university will also be carried out with the advent of 2018.

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Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president decides to translate the strategic plan into five languages as follows: English, French, Chinese, Japanese and Russian. These translations should be burned into CDs to be distributed to the universities and the international organizations that Benha University seeks to build relationships with in the different aspects

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