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Displaying items by tag: Cooperation Protocol

          Dr \ Hala Helmy Zayed , Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence dean announced that Benha University has signed a cooperation protocol between NTI and Benha University to prevent hacking , piracy and espionage of students and faculty members' data. This protocol aims to coping with the latest technology Cyber security and also raising skills of trainees at English and communication skills especially for students at Faculty of computers and Engineering. Dr\ Hala Helmy also said that 20% of the first students at least are going to be certified after passing one of the International exams for free. She also added that the trainee will get accredited certification from Cisco Company. 

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The proposal to conclude a protocol of cooperation with the representatives of the Japanese University, Sadat University and Prof. Nihad Mohammad Ali Al-Baraki, Acting Dean of the College for Environmental Affairs and Community Service was discussed in the framework of the activities of the Vice Dean for Environmental Development and Community Service.

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Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-kady, the university president says that the cooperation protocol has been activated between Benha University and Egypt bank which includes the establishment of Egypt bank branch to provide many financial services to the faculties' members, the employees and the students in addition to guaranteeing the state's support to the University to carry out its plan of financial comprehensiveness

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Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president and the university's delegation which includes prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the dean of the faculty of commerce, the acting head of the University's hospitals, the supervisor of the legal affairs, the assistant secretaries of the financial affairs and community service and the head of the MIS meets with Mr. Muhammad EL-Etryby, the head of Egypt bank board at his office in Cairo where a cooperation protocol is signed to guarantee the cooperation of Egypt bank with the University to carry out its plan of financial comprehensiveness

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The Faculty Council, headed by Prof. Dr. Abd el Azeim Mehna, the faculty dean, approved in the session (396) to hold a cooperation protocol that was presented by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abd Moniem Abd Halim, an assistant professor at the physics department and Blazma and nuclear merger department in the Atomic energy authority.

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