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Proposed Workshops Plan during 30 months which will be announced

after approval of CIQAP Project.


1- Ten workshops to review the strategic plan and linked to the Strategic Plan of the University.
2- Five workshops to review the current Vision and Mission.
3- Three workshops to identify gaps at the current skill and the required skills for administrators. 
4- Three workshops to identify gaps in the required skill for academics.

5- Ten workshops to develop skills of the academic and administrative leaders.

6- Three workshops to discuss code of the institution’s ethics.

7- A Workshop to examine the compatibility of the admission policies in the curriculums with the message and strategic objectives.

8- Four workshops for faculty members to present and discuss admission policies in the curriculums.

9- Six workshops (Workshop each semester) to determine the number of students admitted to various programs, commensurate with the labor market and the possibilities of department.

10 -Twenty workshops for faculty members and their staff for training on the application of academic standards in programs and curriculums and teaching methods, learning and evaluation methods. 
11- Six workshops to compare the academic standards of the existing programs with the standards of the National Academy standard NARS and to identify programs to be modified. 
12 – Twenty eight workshops to involve all beneficiaries, experts and graduates in designing and improving educational programs. 
13 - Forty Workshops annually to train staff members on methods of learning and gradual assessment.

14 - Fourteen workshops (2 workshops for each department) to the representatives of students and faculty staff and employees) in the development of summer training for students. 
15- Eight workshops to train staff members on the methods of evaluation system of gradual assessment.
16- One Hundred Twenty Six Workshop (workshop after each quarterly exam for each semester) to evaluate the tests and analysis of student questionnaires.
17- Two workshops to develop an integrated system of academic guidance to students.
18- Two workshops to train and raise the efficiency of library staff. 
19- Seven workshops to develop a research plan for the College associated with the plan of the university and the needs of the surrounding community.
20- Fourteen workshops to examine the results of the questionnaires to all departments and propose new programs.


Proposed seminars during 30 months which will be announced after the approval of CIQAP Project.

1-   Five seminars to educate the different categories of the college on crisis management and disaster plans. 
 2-    Ten seminars to disseminate the culture of quality and accreditation among academics, administrators and students. 
3-   Three seminars on intellectual property law and publishing. 
 4-   Three seminars on university professional ethics. 
5-    Three seminars on human rights. 
   6- Two seminar with the beneficiaries to know the needs of the labor market. 
    7- Organization (12 sessions) 4 seminars a year around the first-aid incidents of school laboratories 
 8-   Four seminars to raise awareness and publicize the importance of adopting the academic standards 
    9-Four seminar to explain the importance and methods of self-learning among students and faculty members 
     10- Three seminars to explain the systems for student evaluation and assessment 
     11- Six seminars to identify and train the staff members and students on academic guidance system.