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Displaying items by tag: ElMagraby

Prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the acting university president goes in a tour to inspect the exams, the fish farms and the greenhouse in the faculties of agriculture and veterinary medicine in the presence of prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghanem, the faculty’s dean and the faculty’s deputies.

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Prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the acting university president meets with the team of the measurement center in the university to discuss the possibility of computerizing the exams and its markings in addition to assessing the technological infrastructure to electronically set the exams according to the instructions of the minister of higher education.

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Prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the acting university president heartily congratulates prof.Dr. Adel El-Adaway for being elected as the head of the Arab board of the orthopedic surgery in the health specialization council.

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Prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the acting university president heaps praise of the success of the stduents’ union elections at Benha University and its faculties. He congratulates the students / Ahmed Islam and Muhammad Zaki on their triumph in the elections.

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Prof.Dr. Khalid Abd EL-Gafer, the minister of education issues a decree to appoint prof.Dr. Hussien EL-Magraby as the acting president of Benha University starting from Saturday.

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Prof.Dr. Hussien EL-Magraby, the acting university president meets, in his first day in office, with the geometrical board in the presence of prof.Dr. Muhammad Saied, the university's geometrical chancellor to keep an eye on the amendments in the university and its faculties. He stresses on the value of team work in order to achieve many accomplishments 

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Prof.Dr. Hussien EL-Magraby, the acting president of Benha University inspects the amendments of the lectures halls in the faculty of applied arts in addition to inspecting the construction of an entrance of the faculties of the applied arts and the computer and informatics.

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The training course of the technical education has been finished today. This event is held in Benha University in cooperation with Ein-Shams University and there are 35 trainees who participate in this training course. Prof.Dr. Hussien EL-Magraby, the acting president of the Benha University stresses that the service of the community is one of targets of Benha University.

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Prof.Dr. Hussien EL-Magraby, the university president is keen on participating in the reception of the Benha University students and the composition of the national anthem. The university president goes on a tour in the lectures halls, labs to make sure that the everything is up and running.

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