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Displaying items by tag: Master

      The Faculty Council under presidency of Prof.Dr. Alaa El Sayed Ahmed Amin, the Faculty dean has approved the submitted recommendation of Chemistry department about granting the master degree to the Researcher \ Ahmed Abd El Aziz Abd Allah Soliman after discussing it in 21\01\2015.  

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   The Faculty Council under presidency of Prof.Dr. Alaa El Sayed Ahmed Amin, the Faculty dean has approved the submitted recommendation of Geology department about granting the master degree to the Researcher \ Bahaa Mohamed Emad Abd El Monaem after discussing it in 14\02\2015.  

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    The Faculty Council under presidency of Prof.Dr. Alaa El Sayed Ahmed Amin, the Faculty dean has approved the submitted recommendation of Botany department about registering the doctoral thesis of the Researcher\ Hebat Allah Hamada Farghaly in 7\2\2015.

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The Faculty Council under presidency of Prof.Dr. Alaa El Sayed Ahmed Amin, the Faculty dean has approved the submitted recommendation of Botany department about granting the master degree to the Researcher \ Khaled Mansour El Sayed El Ashry after discussing it in 11\02\2015.  

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   The Faculty Council under presidency of Prof.Dr. Alaa El Sayed Ahmed Amin, the Faculty dean has approved the submitted recommendation of Post graduate department about registering the doctoral thesis of the Researcher\ Heba Magdy Mohamed El Sharqawy in 4\3\2015.

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   The Faculty Council under presidency of Prof.Dr. Alaa El Sayed Ahmed Amin, the Faculty dean has approved the submitted recommendation of Post graduate department about registering the doctoral thesis of the Researcher\ Khaled Feisal Mahmoud in 4\3\2015.

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    Master Thesis of the Researcher\ Marwa El Sayed Abu El Elaa will be discussed on Thursday, 16\4\2015 at 02:00pm. The Supervision committee includes the following; Prof.Dr. Ali Yousry El Eter, Prof.Dr. Helmy El Sayed Mijahed and Dr. Asmaa Abu El Soaoud. The Discussion committee includes the following; Prof.Dr. Saeed Abd El Rahman Saleh, Prof.Dr. Helmy El Sayed Mijahed and Prof.Dr. Ali Yousry El Eter. 

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   The Faculty Council under presidency of Prof.Dr. Alaa El Sayed Ahmed Amin, the Faculty dean has approved the submitted recommendation of Botany department about registering the doctoral thesis of the Researcher\ Shimaa El Sayed Ahmed Ibrahim in 9\3\2015.

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   The Faculty Council under presidency of Prof.Dr. Alaa El Sayed Ahmed Amin, the Faculty dean has approved the submitted recommendation of Chemistry department about registering the doctoral thesis of the Researcher\ Raghda Allaa El Din Helal.

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