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Final list of Candidates for Faculty of Medicine Deanship

Final list of Candidates for Faculty of Medicine Deanship

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Prof.Dr.Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President and the head of Leaders Selection Committee announced that the final list of candidates for faculty Medicine deanship after closing appeals door is as following;
Prof.Dr.Khalid Salam Mesalha
Prof.Dr. Abd El Monim Mahmoud Hamed
Prof.Dr.Ahmed Mustafa Abd El Hamid El Sayed
Prof.Dr.Hesham Khalid Rashid Moussa
Prof.Dr.Mohamed Gamal El Din Abd El Hamid
Prof.Dr.Mohamed Fahmy Shendy Amer
Prof.Dr.Mohamed Gouda Monatser Ali Yusuf
Prof.Dr.Mohamed Abd El Sallam Mohamed Abd El Fattah
Prof.Dr.Emad El Din Mustafa Abd El Hafez
Prof.Dr. Nermin Adly Mahmoud Hasaan.

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