The Faculty of Science at Benha University seeks to be a distinguished institution and a house of expertise in the field of education


The Faculty of Science is committed to providing integrated academic and applied programs in various basic sciences that aim


Creating an appropriate educational environment to achieve the Faculty’s vision and mission...


The faculty of medicine holds a conference entitled “Together against addiction”

The faculty of medicine holds a conference entitled “Together against addiction”

The department of forensic medicine in the faculty of medicine holds, on wendesday, the first conference that is entitled “Together against addiction” under the auspices of prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the acting university president and in the presence of prof.Dr. Alaa Abd EL-Haleem, Qulubia governor, prof.Dr. Eman El-Bitar, the acting faculty’s dean, the faculty’s members, the employees and the stduents. 

Forming a committee to select the dean of the faculty of law

Forming a committee to select the dean of the faculty of law

The council of the faculty of law holds a meeting, under the presidency of prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the acting university president to discuss a number of topics. One of these topics is about forming a committee of the faculty’s members to choose the faculty’s dean. The elections results in the triumph of prof.Dr. Ahmed Shawky, prof.Dr. Omar EL-Farouk and prof.Dr. EL-Shahat Mansour.

Ahmed Islam is the head of Benha University’s student’s union

Ahmed Islam is the head of Benha University’s student’s union

The students’ union elections result in the wining of Ahmed Islam of the faculty of engineering(shubra) as he gets 22 votes while his opponent Hussien EL-Sadek get 6 votes in addition to having a false vote. The election is supervised by prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the acting university’s president and the head of the higher committee of the elections and it was managed by prof.Dr. Khalid Esawi, the coordinator of the students’ activities, prof.Dr. Muhammad Mansur, the deputy of the faculty of law, prof.Dr. Moshbeh EL-Kehily, the general manager of the youth care department and two top students in the students’ activities.

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