The Faculty of Science at Benha University seeks to be a distinguished institution and a house of expertise in the field of education


The Faculty of Science is committed to providing integrated academic and applied programs in various basic sciences that aim


Creating an appropriate educational environment to achieve the Faculty’s vision and mission...


Benha University participates in the national dialogue sessions

Benha University participates in the national dialogue sessions

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president and Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research participate in the national dialogue third-week sessions. The University participates in the economic sessions, as the University president talks in the committee of agriculture and the food security in which the state’s role in providing production materials and setting prices in addition to boosting agriculture and insurance is discussed publically.

30 June is the deadline to participate in the 2nd innovation fair entitled “Made in Egypt”

30 June is the deadline to participate in the 2nd innovation fair entitled “Made in Egypt”

Under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, the innovation and entrepreneurship center in Benha University announces that the deadline for the Egyptian Universities’ students to participate in the 2nd innovation fair entitled “Made in Egypt” will be at the end of June. It’s noteworthy that the fair will be held in 10th of July in 2023.

“Plagiarism and intellectual rights” is an awareness forum in the faculty of Arts

“Plagiarism and intellectual rights” is an awareness forum in the faculty of Arts

The faculty of arts organizes an awareness forum entitled “Plagiarism and intellectual rights” under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development and Prof.Dr. Mohamed Abu Arab, the acting faculty dean. The forum is held in the presence of Prof.Dr. Arabi EL-Tokhi, the vice dean of community service and environment development, Prof.Dr. Amgad Hegazi, the vice dean of post-graduate studies and research and it is done in cooperation with Ms. Rania Motaaz, the University secretary-general of community service and environment development.    

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