The Faculty of Science at Benha University seeks to be a distinguished institution and a house of expertise in the field of education


The Faculty of Science is committed to providing integrated academic and applied programs in various basic sciences that aim


Creating an appropriate educational environment to achieve the Faculty’s vision and mission...


Cordial congratulation to the Christians on the Christmas 2017

Cordial congratulation to the Christians on the Christmas 2017

Prof. Dr. Abd El-Azim Mehna, the faculty’s dean, prof.Dr. Ashraf Farouk, the faculty’s deputy of post-graduate studies and research and prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Badwy, the faculty’s deputy of community service and environment development, Mr. Muhammad Yassin, the secretary of the faculty and the heads of the departments congratulate the Christians on the Christmas 2017 wishing all Egyptians to enjoy safety and prosperity.

Benha University invites the President to sponsor its Talk with the Youth

Benha University invites the President to sponsor its Talk with the Youth

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president invites the president/ Abd EL-Fattah El-Sisi, to sponsor the week of the youth talk which will be held in the university from 25-2-2017 to 28-2-2017. The event will be held in the presence of the presidents and professors of the Egyptian universities and more than 1000 students who are representing 24 universities. The youth will be held under the auspices of prof.Dr. Ashraf El-Shihy, the minister of the higher education and scientific research. The university president announces that prof.Dr. Gamal Shiha, the head of the education board and the education board representatives were invited in addition to inviting the education boards of the presidency, the parties and the civil society representatives and education experts to participate the activities of the youth talk about the educational process and scientific research

Prof.Dr. Mustafa El-Sayed Abd- El-Moniem is the deputy manager of the Management Information System (MIS) in Benha University

Prof.Dr. Mustafa El-Sayed Abd- El-Moniem is the deputy manager of the Management Information System (MIS) in Benha University

Benha University congratulates Prof.Dr. Mustafa El-Sayed Abd- El-Moniem, the lecturer at the department of mechanical engineering in the faculty of engineering- Shubra, on being the deputy manager of the management information system in the university for one year wishing him great success in his new position

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