The Faculty of Science at Benha University seeks to be a distinguished institution and a house of expertise in the field of education


The Faculty of Science is committed to providing integrated academic and applied programs in various basic sciences that aim


Creating an appropriate educational environment to achieve the Faculty’s vision and mission...


Dr. Tamer Samir inspect Benha University Hostels at Kafr Saad And Moshtohor

Dr. Tamer Samir inspect Benha University Hostels at Kafr Saad And Moshtohor

Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs inspected Benha University hostels to be sure from standard of submitted services for students, so he checked out the hostel's restaurants and food stores.
During their tour, they were accompanied by Dr. Sayed Abd El Wanis, the deputy of Benha University hostel and other employees.

Dr.Shaban Taha congratulates Dr.Gamal Soussa for his new Position as Benha University President

Dr.Shaban Taha congratulates Dr.Gamal Soussa for his new Position as Benha University President

Dr.Gamal Soussa, Benha University President received Dr.Shaban Taha, the Former Vice- President and Dr .Atef El Nimr, the former dean for Faculty of Physical Education who visited Benha University to congratulate him for his new position as Benha University President .
The meeting was held in presence of Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the Vice –President for Post Graduate Studies Affairs and Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs. On the other hand, Dr. Gamal Soussa congratulated all the former leaders of Benha University for their great efforts.

Benha University President congratulates Benha University on the Occasion of New Academic Year 20212022

Benha University President congratulates Benha University on the Occasion of New Academic Year 20212022

Dr.Gamal Soussa, Benha University President congratulates Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Prof. Dr. Tarek Galal Shawqi, Minister of Education and Technical Education on the Occasion of new academic year 20212022. Dr.Gamal Soussa also congratulates his deputies, deans of faculties, professors and their assistants, students and all the staff at Benha University on the occasion of the new academic year and hopes for them best wishes and great success.

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