The Faculty of Science at Benha University seeks to be a distinguished institution and a house of expertise in the field of education


The Faculty of Science is committed to providing integrated academic and applied programs in various basic sciences that aim


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Prof. Tamer Samir inspects the First Semester Exams at Faculties of Computer & Artificial Intelligence and Applied Arts.

Prof. Tamer Samir inspects the First Semester Exams at Faculties of Computer & Artificial Intelligence and Applied Arts.

Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs inspected during his tour today the first semester exams at faculties of Computer and Artificial Intelligence and Applied Arts. During his tour, Dr. Tamer Samir was accompanied by Dr. Hala Zayed, the Faulty of Computer and Artificial Intelligence dean and Dr. Abd El Moamen Shams, the Faculty of Applied Arts dean.
Dr. Tamer Samir inspected the implemented precautionary measures at both faculties to protect students and employees during exams process such as checking students' temperature, keeping suitable spaces among students and wearing masks and he also assured on implementing all of the other precautionary measures to counter the spread of Corona virus.

Prof. Gamal Soussa inspects the First Semester Exams at Faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Prof. Gamal Soussa inspects the First Semester Exams at Faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Prof. Gamal Soussa, the Supervisor on Community Service Sector inspected during his tour today the first semester exams at faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.
During his tour, Dr. Tamer Samir was accompanied by Dr. Mahmoud Iraqi, the Faulty of Agriculture dean and Dr. Mohamed Ghanim, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine dean. Dr. Tamer Samir inspected the implemented precautionary measures at both faculties to protect students and employees during exams process such as checking students' temperature, keeping suitable spaces among students and wearing masks and he also assured on implementing all of the other precautionary measures to counter the spread of Corona virus

Prof. Tamer Samir inspects the First Semester Exams at Faculty of Arts

Prof. Tamer Samir inspects the First Semester Exams at Faculty of Arts

Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs inspected during his tour today the first semester exams at faculty of Arts. During his tour, Dr. Tamer Samir was accompanied by Dr. Abeer El Rabat, the Faculty dean and Dr. Mohamed Abu Azab, the Faulty deputy for Education and Student Affairs.
Prof. Dr. Tamer Samir inspected the implemented precautionary measures to protect students and employees during exams process such as checking students' temperature, keeping suitable spaces among students and wearing masks and he also assured on implementing all of the other precautionary measures to counter the spread of Corona virus.

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