The Faculty of Science at Benha University seeks to be a distinguished institution and a house of expertise in the field of education


The Faculty of Science is committed to providing integrated academic and applied programs in various basic sciences that aim


Creating an appropriate educational environment to achieve the Faculty’s vision and mission...


El Gizawy appoints Mahmoud Maghraby Iraqi as Acting Dean at Faculty of Agriculture

El Gizawy appoints Mahmoud Maghraby Iraqi as Acting Dean at Faculty of Agriculture

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University has appointed Dr.Mahmoud Maghraby Iraqi, the professor at department of Animal Production as acting dean at Faculty of Agriculture. Prof.Dr. Nasser El Gizawy and all the staff at Faculty of Agriculture hope for him best wishes and great success at his new position.
El Gizawy inspects Faculties' Preparations for the First Semester Exams

El Gizawy inspects Faculties' Preparations for the First Semester Exams

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University inspected at his tour today several faculties at Benha University and followed up the final preparations for the first semester exams such as exams halls, control rooms, maintaining sterilization gates and following -up of sterilization in the light of the University precautionary measures to limit the spread of Corona Virus. El Gizzawy also inspected the readiness of the medical clinics and assured on presence of doctors and nurses to deal with any emergencies. During his tour, El Gizawy was accompanied by several deans as following; Dr. Osama Salah El Din, the dean of Physical Education Faculty, Dr. Eman Abd El Haq, the dean of Education Faculty, Dr. Reda Abd El Halim, the dean of Law Faculty, Dr. Walid Tallat, the acting dean of Physiotherapy Faculty and other managers from the University Administration.
Benha University issues Booklet about E-Portal Activities

Benha University issues Booklet about E-Portal Activities

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University announced that Benha University has issued a booklet in Arabic about E-portal activities and services and this is a part of a series of booklets that aim to documenting the University's activities and marketing its electronic services. El Gizawy added that E-portal of Benha University participated at providing many technological services for students and the teaching staff in an easy way. In addition, it is always developed in terms of design and content to keep up with the latest electronic portals. Dr. Islam Sharawy , the Chief Information Officer (CIO) mentioned that Benha University E- Portal is the mirror that reflects the reality of Benha University to the world, the window through which it provides its electronic services, and the basic criterion for evaluation within the most important global rankings, so the University has given it a great attention and importance , supported it with useful content and applications service, enhanced it with a smartphone application, , secured its domains with an SSL certificate, and made it available for people with special needs. It is worth mentioning that Dr. Shady El Mashad, the Vice of Chief Information Officer said that Benha University E- portal is always seeking to develop its electronic services and keep up with the State's aspirations for digital transformation. Not only providing smart academic and administrative systems and services but also building an integrated database in cooperation with the University's information technology projects, in addition to consolidating foundations of using information technology and participating in reducing the digital divide in the University to reach an advanced position among universities. For more details, you can visit the following links;
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