The Faculty of Science at Benha University seeks to be a distinguished institution and a house of expertise in the field of education


The Faculty of Science is committed to providing integrated academic and applied programs in various basic sciences that aim


Creating an appropriate educational environment to achieve the Faculty’s vision and mission...


El Gizawy: Acting President of Benha University

El Gizawy: Acting President of Benha University

Dr. Khaled Abd El Ghaffar , Minister of Higher Education has appointed Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs as acting president of Benha University from Tuesday, 1212021 till appoint new president for Benha University . Prof.Gamal Al Saeed, the former president of Benha University congratulated Dr. Nasser El Gizawy for his new position and hoped for him best wishes and great success.

Cooperation Protocol between Benha University and National Company of Animal Production

Cooperation Protocol between Benha University and National Company of Animal Production

Prof.Gamal Al Saeed , Benha University President has signed a joint cooperation protocol with Major General Doctor Fayez Muhammad Abaza, the Chairman of the National Company for Animal Production. The protocol has been signed in presence of Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs and Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students` Affairs , Dr. Gamal Soussa , the General Supervisor on Community Service and Environment Affairs Sector and Prof.Dr. Mohamed Ghanim, the dean of Veterinary Medicine Faculty.
Prof. Gamal Al Saeed said that the protocol aims to achieve the sustainable development in the fields of animal production and veterinary care. Al-Saeed also indicated that the protocol includes cooperation in the fields of exchange of experiences and assistance in the fields of animal production projects and research services.

TICO launches Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition at Biotechnology Applications Field

TICO launches Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition at Biotechnology Applications Field

Technology Innovation Commercialization Office "TICO" launches Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition at Biotechnology Applications Field. The competition is under auspices of Prof.Gamal Al Saeed, Benha University President, prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs and Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students` Affairs. The competition aims to encourage students, researchers of postgraduate and inventors at the Benha University. The last date to apply for the competition is in 1912021.

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