The Faculty of Science at Benha University seeks to be a distinguished institution and a house of expertise in the field of education


The Faculty of Science is committed to providing integrated academic and applied programs in various basic sciences that aim


Creating an appropriate educational environment to achieve the Faculty’s vision and mission...


Cooperation Protocol between BU and the Ministry of Social Solidarity

Cooperation Protocol between BU and the Ministry of Social Solidarity

Dr. Nevin El-Kabbaj, the Minister of Social Solidarity and Dr. Randa Mustafa, Benha University Vice-president for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs on behalf of the University President have signed a cooperation protocol between the Ministry and the University to establish a unit for social solidarity inside the University.
In this regard, Dr. Randa Mustafa said that the unit seeks, in cooperation with the Sector of Community Service, to provide community services to students, referring that the Ministry will support the presence of a representative from Nasser Social Bank and an official from the Ministry to support small projects for students and follow-up graduates as well as support entrepreneurship.

El Saeed congratulates Benha University on the New Academic Year

El Saeed congratulates Benha University on the New Academic Year

Dr. Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President congratulates the University Vice-presidents, Deans, Vice-deans, the University Secretary General, the University Assistant Secretary Generals, Teaching staff, the University Employees, and Students on the occasion of starting the new academic year 2020/2021, wishing all success for all students in their study.

Opening the Nominations of BU Awards 2020

Opening the Nominations of BU Awards 2020

Based on the vision and mission of Benha University and its strategic objectives, and to achieve the highest quality of scientific research outputs and intellectual production for researchers and link it to the industry to improve its international classification; the Sector of Postgraduate Studies and Researches' Affairs announces for opening the nominations of the University Awards 2020.
Prof. Gamal El Saeed, the University President said that the University puts young researchers from the faculty members at the forefront of its concerns, and therefore new awards have been introduced, including the University's Award for Scientific Excellence and the University's Award for Innovation and Patents, with the aim of encouraging researchers to continue distinguished scientific production and publish their scientific research internationally.
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