The Faculty of Science at Benha University seeks to be a distinguished institution and a house of expertise in the field of education


The Faculty of Science is committed to providing integrated academic and applied programs in various basic sciences that aim


Creating an appropriate educational environment to achieve the Faculty’s vision and mission...


Workshop about How To Use Egyptian Knowledge Bank

Workshop about How To Use Egyptian Knowledge Bank

        A workshop about how to use the Egyptian Knowledge Bank will be held in the period from 27-28\10\2019 at Faculty of Commerce, the Conferences hall at 10:00am.The workshop will be held under auspices of Dr\ Gamal El Saeed , Benha University President in the frame of cooperation between Benha University and the Digital Library Unit at the Supreme Council of Universities .The workshop aims to raise the level of benefits from the available information at the  Egyptian Knowledge Bank.

New Appointments at Benha University by Ministerial Decree

New Appointments at Benha University by Ministerial Decree

ew Appointments at Benha University by Ministerial Decree

             Prof.Dr\ Khalid Abd El Ghaffar , minister of High Education and Scientific Research issued a new decree to appoint four general managers at Benha University as following ; Mahammed Sayed Mahammed as the secretary of Faculty of Law for one year , Soliman Ahmed Soliman as the General manager for Planning at the University for one year , Soliman Abdu Abd El Naby as the General manager for Education Affairs at the University and Ayman Bayoumy Mahammad as the general manager of purchases and stores for one year.                                                                                                         

Benha University President receives Dr\ Nasser El Shemy

Benha University President receives Dr\ Nasser El Shemy

    Dr\ Gamal El Saeed , Benha University President received Dr\ Nasser El Shimy , Professor of Geometrics at University of Calegary Alberta in Canada. The meeting was held in presence of Prof.Dr\ Nasser El Gezawy , the Supervisor on Cultural and International relations at The University , Dr \ Karim El Dalsah , the Academic Manager of El Obour Branch and Dr\ Amr Hanfy . El Saeed assured that Benha University seeks to keep in touch with Egyptian scientists at foreign Universities to benefit from their great experience at all fields and that is among the University vision to be opened on all the world Universities. El Saeed also mentioned that the meeting with Dr\ Nasser El Shimy comes according to the submitted nomination for him to work as a visitor professor at Survey Department at faculty of Engineering.

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