The Faculty of Science at Benha University seeks to be a distinguished institution and a house of expertise in the field of education


The Faculty of Science is committed to providing integrated academic and applied programs in various basic sciences that aim


Creating an appropriate educational environment to achieve the Faculty’s vision and mission...


Banha University organizes integrated convoys in the villages of Qaha in its role to serve the local community.

Banha University organizes integrated convoys in the villages of Qaha in its role to serve the local community.

Under the patronage of Dr. Gamal El-Said, the President of the University organized community convoys in the villages of Sidi Abdulla and Qarnoub in the city of Qaha in the framework of the role of the university to serve the local community and the neediest villages. The convoys included professors, faculty members, administrators and students from 8 faculties' Veterinary medicine, nursing, education, agriculture, trade, sports education and science.

The President of Banha University receives a delegation from the Coptic Orthodox Church.

Dr. Gamal Al-Saied, President of Banha University, received in his office today His Grace Bishop Maximus, Bishop of Banha, Quesna and its dependencies, and Girgis Zaki, priest of the Church of Our Lady in Banha. The ecclesiastical delegation congratulated Al-Saied on assuming his new position as President of the University, wishing him success in his new mission.

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