The Faculty of Science at Benha University seeks to be a distinguished institution and a house of expertise in the field of education


The Faculty of Science is committed to providing integrated academic and applied programs in various basic sciences that aim


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Benha University jumps 109 Places in Webometrics, July 2020

Benha University jumps 109 Places in Webometrics, July 2020

Prof. Dr. Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President said the University has jumped 109 places to be 1613 on Webometrics Ranking of World Universities in the frame of the University's policy to achieve further progress in the file of international classifications.
El Saeed pointed out that progress came as a result for the concerted efforts of all the University's employees, including faculty members, their assistants, young researchers and administrators at various levels to achieve distinguished position for Benha University at the global, African and Arab levels, in addition 70 public, private, and non-profit educational institutions in Egypt which subject to the international assessments in this classification.
In the same context, Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches' Affairs said that success reflects the university's keenness to continue excellence in this classification with its various editions since 2011, adding the University has jumped 109 places in the world ranking July, 2020 comparing with the previous edition of January, 2020 to be 1613 among 30 thousand of higher education institutions.
It is worth mentioning that the University ranked 22 among 12,188 Arab universities, 25 among 1902 African universities by jumping 3 places, 7 among 70 Egyptian public, private and non-profit universities included in that classification.
On the other hand, El Gizawy said the University has jumped 261 places on Openness indicator as well as 45 places on Research Excellence indicator comparing with the previous edition of January, 2020 which reflects the success of the University's programs to support the scientific researches.
Prof. Dr. Shady El Mashad, the Director of the University E-portal said the University jumped 97 places on Presence indicator to be 1191 among 30 thousand world universities and jumped 76 places on Impact indicator to be 4893 comparing with the edition of January, 2020.

BU President receives a delegation from Somali Embassy

BU President receives a delegation from Somali Embassy

Dr. Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President received a delegation from the Somali Embassy in Cairo headed by Mr. Bashir Mahboub, the First Secretary of the Embassy in the presence of Dr. Hussien Almaghrabi, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs; Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches' Affairs; Mr. Ibrahim Omer, the Deputy Cultural Attaché of the Embassy; Dr. Ahmed Youssef, the Director of the University Foreign Students Unit; and Dr. Mahran El Naggar, the Director of the University International Relations Office.
In this regard, El Saeed said that the meeting discussed the academic situation of Somali students at the University, whether at the undergraduate or postgraduate level.
In the same context, Mahboub praised the University continuous support to the Somali students through the scholarships provided to Somali brothers during the last period by the University.
It is worth mentioning that the number of Somali students at the university is 26 students at the undergraduate level, in addition to 9 students in the postgraduate stage.


Ministry of Higher Education starts the Interdisciplinary Research Excellence Programme

Ministry of Higher Education starts the Interdisciplinary Research Excellence Programme

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs said that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research with collaboration of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank "EKB" announced the launching of the Interdisciplinary Research Excellence Programme, which is a comprehensive capacity-building training programme to strengthen interdisciplinary research in Egyptian universities and to advance research integration and implementation in society to address complex real-world problems in Egypt, including achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. El Gizawy added that the programme includes interactive live sessions online which will combine expert content delivery with hands-on practical exercises and discussion through the individual and group activities. The researchers can apply through the below link: undefined Deadline: Sunday, 23 August 2020.


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